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Gracias a Dios
Technical SheetGADPinaTS.pdf
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BackgroundGracias a Dios translates to Thank God, a phrase that owners, Pablo Lopez, Enrique Jimenez, Xaime Niembro, and Oscar Hernandez heard throughout their childhood. A deep commitment to family values and Mexican culture underlines their approach to producing handmade, ultra-premium quality mezcal and agave gin. Gracias a Dios values its people and the environment, employing eco-friendly practices that include water conservation, solar energy, and recyclable materials and proudly offering local employees fair wages.
VinificationDouble distilled Esapdin with pineapples.
NoseOpens with pineapple notes, followed by sweet and sour fruit notes and lemon.
PalatePrimarily pineapple with hints of caramel and cooked maguey.
AnalysisAlcohol: 45.0 %
Serving SuggestionsServe neat at room temperature or slightly chilled. Highly recommended for cocktails.