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Current initiatives & achievements include

  • Renewable Energy
  • Carbon Footprint Management
  • Conservation Projects
Renewable Energy
Solar and Renewable Energy

McGuigan has pledged to be increasingly reliant on renewable energy sources. In fact, 11% of McGuigan's total energy consumption comes from solar panels installed on the property. In November 2018, McGuigan became the first Australian winery to sign a landmark deal to ensure 90% of energy consumption at our largest winery will be met by renewable resources, including wind and solar power.

Carbon Footprint Management
Reducing our Carbon Footprint

McGuigan and Australian Vintage Unlimited have recently reduced their carbon emissions by 1,200 tons per year. Sustainable initiatives also extend into the suppply chain. $15 million has been invested into a new fleet of state-of-the-art delivery trucks designed to cut pollution with cleaner engines and greater fuel efficiencies.

Conservation Projects
Water Management

All water used on-site is utilized to minimize its effect on the environment. Plus, nutrient-rich waste water from McGuigan's winery operations is treated and then used to irrigate pastures and vineyards.